Welcome to my blog and thank you for browsing. My name is Illin and I offer post diagnostic support for children and adults looking to understand their new autism or ADHD diagnosis. Learning about neurodevelopmental conditions is in fact one of my special interests. I started out learning about it properly in high school and volunteered at SEND schools and homes, and during my master's degree I worked on a study involving orientation discrimination in autistic teens which was then published in the European Journal of Developmental Psychology.
It really starts with my love of science and wanting to figure out how to help my own brother who was diagnosed with autism at 4 years old. Growing up, I was taught that neurodevelopmental conditions needed to be cured one way or another, this is of course, not true. Having realised I have so many autistic traits and benefiting from many of the various autism tips, I now know that we are not in fact broken but just different. A bit like how an apple is different from a pear, but they're still fruits. Like we're still all human. I think once people start grasping the idea that we are all not THAT different from one another and that we are all human at the end of the day, perhaps we'll see more understanding, kindness and compassion towards our differences.
Perhaps some of you would go, "but Illin, I hate being neurodiverse, I can't do the same things the neurotypicals can!" Yes, I have thoughts like this too, all the time, but neurotypicals can't do the same things we do too! If the tables were turned and neurotypicals were to live in a neurodiverse society, perhaps they'd feel the same too. Society can continue to tell us we are broken but we can choose to ignore that and live how we want to live, not how they expect us to. What do you think?
